How it all started
Charlotte TimminsShare
Hi there! Thankyou so much for coming over to Made on the street.
I was recently chatting to one of the lovely ladies that follow me (Made on the street) on Instagram, and after a good old natter I had realised that I haven't introduced myself on my website.
So go pop that kettle on while you've got 5 minutes (or even pop that cork) and let me tell you a little about myself and how I come to start my little business that is Made on the street.
Hi again! I'm Charlotte (during daytime hours I'm known as Mama), I've two littles of my own my eldest being 4, nearly 5, and my youngest turned 1 back in October.
I'm originally a Cornish girl (born and bred) but now live in a little village in North Wales with my tribe (me, the other half, the kids and the 2 fur babies)
Thanks to my kids I've always been handy with a sewing machine and made the odd piece of clothing for them when they was teeny tiny babies. When I was around 6 or 7 I actually took sewing lessons while I was in primary school too. (exciting I know!)
During my maternity leave with my youngest I decided to get the sewing machine out, what else was there to do during a pandemic and we was in ANOTHER lockdown after all?
I made my friends little girl a pair of bloomers to make sure I could still actually make older kids clothes too (what do they say if you don't use it, you loose it). So big shout out to Mali for wearing all of my tester pieces of clothing :) and giving me that little push to bring Made on the street to life.
I didn't need that much of a push after thinking it through and the possibility of being able to stay at home, work and watch my children grow up while being there for them was a no brainer for me. So I took the leap.
Made on the street was born!
It didn't take me long to come up with a business name, where we live its called 'the street' and we let the kids play out on said street and its just so nice to be able to let them out and they all play together no matter the age differences.
It's one of the first times since moving to Wales when i was 12 that I've actually felt like I'm 'home' when I watch my eldest play out and hear him laugh and just enjoy being a child, which we know is so different and hard now days because things just aren't how they used to be.
So I just had to name my little business 'Made on the street' in homage to the street that made me feel like I'm home, and to my kids that make me feel like I've always got a piece of my home with me (even if it is attached to my hip 16 hours a day recently, thankyou Stevie) and helped me find my purpose in life, being their mama.
My maternity leave eventually came to an end and the inevitable happened and it was time to return back to work after an amazing 20 months off (I was one of the first to be furloughed when i was 9 weeks pregnant, back when they didn't know if Covid was dangerous or not for pregnant mamas) being round both my babies for all that time was amazing!
Made on the street was thriving, I was making so many beautiful pieces of handmade clothing for so many beautiful children, and I went back to work for 2 whole months, juggling both jobs. Orders were coming in and I was so grateful so I had to make a very big decision. Do I take the leap of becoming my very own boss or do I bring Made on the street to a stop and miss out on watching my babies grow up that bit more?
Well as you can guess I made that leap back in November, I took Made on the street full time and now its bigger and better than ever and were only 10 months in.
I can never fully tell you all how grateful I am that you've made my dreams come true to be able to stay at home, work and watch my babies grow up and just be there for them if they need me. But you've also allowed me to work while doing something I absolutely love to do and find so therapeutic at the same time. So I honestly thank each and everyone of you for any previous, current and future orders, and I hope that Made on the street continues to thrive and puts a smile on yours and your littles faces as much as it does mine :)
Lots of love Charlotte, Ronni & Stevie xxx